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Send all console output into a DOM element. I also wanted this to work without jQuery.
Packagin design pour la gamme de Pastis 1811 de la distillerie Lemercier Frères. Branding design pour le menuisier ébéniste Damien Dumas. Direction de la photographie et vidéo. Direction artistique du teaser video de la nouvelle gamme Massenez. Communication visuelle Print de la gamme Garden Party by Massenez. Communication visuelle 360 , création de charte graphique et site Web.
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Liquid Architecture is an Australian organisation for artists working with sound. Sign Up to the Newsletter. PO Box 12315 VIC 8006. The body as overflowing noise text. Polythinking together through installations, conversations, music and experimental pedagogy. FRI 27 Apr - SUN 6 May 2018. Abbotsford Convent; The Tote; Copacabana International, Melbourne. THU 26 - SUN 29 Apr 2018.
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